The Writer's Cat logo belonging to Pixie Greatorex, freelance blog content writer in the pet niche and pet industry


I write SEO-friendly blogs and websites for businesses in the Pet Industry

Your customers can only buy from you if they can find you

Most of the pet business owners I speak with tell me they know they need to make some changes to the words on their website, they know blogs would help their customers find them and they know a newsletter would lead to more sales. 

Knowing this doesn’t mean you will be able to magic the extra time or the expertise you need to write them. The answer? Find a pet industry writer who can do it for you…

Which of these services could I help you with?

Who IS this Pet Industry Writer?

Head over to ‘The Writer’ section for a proper nosy but, for the skimmers, here are the highlights of how I combined my writing, business and marketing experience with my love of animals. This is the short version of how I became a pet industry writer.

I owned a pet-sitting and dog walking business with my son

I coached business owners in marketing and profit optimisation

I obtained a first-class honours degree in Psychology

I am owned by four cats – The Writer’s Cat, Chicken Nugget, Grinch and Lord Mr Big Cat

What do my clients say about me?

Some of the Brands I have Worked With