Learn everything you need to know to write blogs that rank on Google

1-2-1 online blog training for new freelance writers and business owners who want to learn to write SEO-friendly blogs without spending hours on YouTube trying to figure it out

Clear and concise

I cannot describe how helpful Pixie was! I felt like every piece of information that she gave me was like gold dust, so many valuable tools were shared. Pixie is so clear and concise. I felt that I could ask so many questions and I felt listened to and supported throughout.

Aneesha Ghuman Blog Training Student

Aneesha Ghuman

Veterinary Pharmacist

Fantastic advice

Pixie was so friendly and helpful from our very first contact. Easy to talk to, honest, open and knowledgeable. She gave fantastic advice, breaking it down into actionable steps.


Nicky Diver-Clarke

Veterinary Analyst

Friendly and non-judgemental

Pixie gave me extensive feedback on one of my blog posts and really helped me understand how SEO works. She gave me tips and tweaks to do to my blog on my website so that the SEO is more effective!  And she did it all in a very friendly and non-judgemental way! 

Sally Ashe Blog coaching student

Sally Ashe

Online Business Manager

Does this sound like you?

  • You are a good writer and want to write a blog but you are not certain where to start
  • You don't want to waste your time guessing how SEO works
  • You have watched a lot of content on blogs but are still not sure what is important
  • You know blogs increase website traffic but you don't know how
  • You just want someone to directly ask your questions to

                                You are not alone…

When I started writing blogs I was so confused…I needed someone to put all the puzzle pieces together

If you are anything like I was when I started out, you have watched hours of YouTube videos about writing blogs but you are still struggling to understand which parts are important and how it all fits together.

I  consumed hours of YouTube tutorials and downloaded every free resource I could find. I read every piece of content online and every book that was remotely related to blog writing but without having someone to directly ask, I still struggled to understand…

  • What topics I should write about for my particular niche
  • How to write for humans AND Google
  • How to decide which keywords to use and where to use them
  • How to find free tools and resources that were actually helpful
  • If I understood all of the SEO tricks to help my blog show up on Google
  • Whether the blogs I had already written were good enough

I invested in coaching to create the strategies I now teach business owners and freelance writers. This, along with the 400 plus hours I spent independently learning and writing for my own business clients, means I can show you how to achieve the same results saving you the time and effort of having to figure it all out on your own.

What Marketing expert Jamie Keane had to say about the training when I delivered it to her business students

“My mind was BLOWN. If you like having fun, someone to bounce ideas off of and see insane results then you have to hire Pixie – I can not recommend her enough”


How much does it cost and what do I learn?

£ 150
  • How to find topics to write about
  • How to research your topic and competitors
  • How to write kick ass blog titles
  • Why headings and subheadings matter and how to use them
  • How to choose keywords and where to use them
  • What is a linking strategy and how to do it
  • How to choose or create images and how to optimise them for SEO
  • How to format and structure your blog
  • Which free tools to use to help you with SEO and writing
  • How to write a meta description and title
  • How to choose your URL
  • How to use quotes, experience and anecdotes
  • Your opportunity to ask any questions specific to your business
"Save yourself the time and Confusion of trying to figure it all out on your own; I hope to see you inside my online Blog House 1-2-1 training"
Blog 1-2-1 training coach Pixie Greatorex holding laptop
Pixie Greatorex
Blog Training Coach