Don’t Hire a freelance pet industry writer Until You Have Read This

Pixie Greatorex freelance content blog writer in pet industry

3 important things to consider when deciding whether to write your own blog or hire a freelance pet industry writer.

      • Drive more visitors to your website

      • Turn those visitors into customers or clients by creating a more positive experience

      • Increase brand exposure

      • Increase your ranking on search engines

      • Position yourself as the expert and the authority in your niche

      • Build trust with consumers

      • Increase sales and revenue

    You may not know this but businesses with blogs get 67% more leads, 55% more website visits, and 13% more ROI than businesses who don’t use blogs.

    Without a blog, your business is missing a vital marketing strategy and this is why 92% of Marketing Managers use blogs as a part of their strategy.

    And now for a well-timed example of how a blog can bring in a lead, imagination at the ready, please!

    Imagine you run a business selling a spray to stop animals peeing inside! (Neat business idea)

    Who is your ideal customer?

    Man frustrated featured in a blog about using a freelance blog content writer

    What are they going to be typing into Google or other search engines:

    Google search for freelance blog copywriters why my dog keeps peeing inside example

    If you create a blog listing the top 5 reasons why dogs pee in the house and the solutions, this would help your idea customer, right?

    You need to use the right keywords and optimise your blog to increase the chance of potential customers finding.

    They would read your article they would be older and wiser but their dog is still peeing inside!

    Dog sulking image freelance blog copywriters marketing picture

    So in the same article, you could say something like ‘How awful for you, your dog is peeing in your house…may I offer you this delicacy of solutions’.

    We are assuming that your potential customer might want to find a solution to this particular problem!

    And here you are with the solutions…taaaa daaaaaa!

    So as well as giving more general advice about strategies to help, you could inconspicuously slip in something about your product and how it will help. 

    It is important to remember blogs are not salesy….but if you happen to have a solution then you can slide that in naturally and gently.

    They are more likely to buy from your business because as well as providing the best solution to the problem, they have built trust with you through the value you have added with your advice.

    BUT they’re not going to buy from you if they can’t find you.

    The 3 important issues to consider when deciding whether to hire a pet industry writer or to write your blog yourself

    1. Time

    Maybe you don’t have the time to be writing your own blog and that’s okay! The entire writing process from start to finish takes a lot of time. I am not just talking about the actual typing of words onto a page.

    Writing without an understanding of the metrics is a waste of time and resources if the intention of starting or using a blog is for organic lead generation.

    You could spend a whole day writing a blog Wordsworth would be proud of but however fantastic it may be, it is not fantastic unless your potential customers or clients can find it.

    And it takes time to learn how to understand search engine optimisation, keyword research, and competitor analysis. Time you may not want to spend!

    Putting the words onto the page is the easy part, it is the very last piece of the puzzle for a writer (the part I love the most).

    In spite of the hype, being a professional writer does not look like this…

    Woman writing a blog post on her laptop by a pool

    Hard work, and tears went into learning these skills.

    The business owner stressed at his laptop, he is thinking about hiring a blog content writer instead

    If you don’t think you have the time or you just can’t be arsed to learn the technical aspects of writing and search engine optimization then outsourcing the writing of your business blog could be the right thing for you.

    2. Expertise

    Search engine optimisation (SEO) tools allow you to analyse the top 10 performing sites for any keywords and understand why they are performing so well. This gives vital clues about how to achieve the same results so you end up with content people are searching for in your blog. This is called reverse engineering.

    Not only do these tools help you decide how many times to use certain keywords, but they can also be used to create a list of additional content that people are searching for but that may be less competitive to rank for on Google!

    This means you have more chance of appearing in the search results when someone is looking for information in your niche.

    Analytics for freelance blog copywriter with word analytic and pencils to improve brand for clients

    Google does not care how the writing makes the reader feel; warm and fluffy it is not.

    Search engines care for the technical aspects of search, like the number of words, which words and phrases you use, how many times you use them, where you use them,  how those words relate to each other, how many paragraphs you use, whether your article has a title and does this title contain the keyword, how many subtitles you use, do you have links to your page from outside sources and how long people spend on the page before leaving.

    A freelance blog writer has trained and dedicated their time to understanding search engine optimisation and their dreams and desires in relation to deciding where to rank articles, blogs, and websites. This also changes daily….keeping up?

    The algorithm is complicated so unless you are prepared to spend hours learning and continually updating your knowledge then it’s probably best to outsource the writing of your blog.

    To put this bluntly, Google is a robot…an algorithm-loving, page-crawling, checklist-wielding artificially intelligent machine.

    Google is the judge, jury, and executioner when it comes to blog content and you will be wise not to forget it.

    It is not just about using the right keywords, part of the role of the content writer is writing quality, interesting content to keep people on your website. When visitors are on your page the time they stay on there is measured by Google Analytics.

    The more interesting the post (or posts if people jump from one of your blogs to another), the more time someone will spend on your page. Google loves this, they then rank your website higher.

    3. Money – the tools to complete the mission

    There are a range of tools that crawl the internet meticulously to understand why certain blog posts, articles, and websites perform better than others.

    There are free versions available but they are limited and in isolation provide only a small part of the picture.

    It will not only cost you time learning to use them but also money.

    Small man on money saved by using freelance copywriter for marketing for blog post

    A freelance content writer will have subscriptions and a proficient understanding of these weapons.

    Where to find a freelance pet industry blog writer

    You can use Linkedin, Instagram or advertise for a freelance content writer on freelancing platforms such Upwork or Fiverr.

    Make sure that you pay attention to the reviews, which SEO tools they are proficient in using, examples of their previous work, and the terms (such as how many revisions you are able to have once the work has been returned to you).

    If you are not confident choosing the right freelance writer then you are best to start off with one post before committing to a bundle so that you can make sure you are happy with the quality and style of work.

    If you do decide to get your pet blogs written for you then I would love to have a chat about how we could possibly work together. I consider myself to be the fairy Godmother of blogs, Google’s best friend, I know what he wants and I know how to give it to him! (or her!)

    I am a previous pet business owner, and I have a professional background in marketing having coached business owners in both paid and organic marketing strategies. I spend most of my days writing pet blogs, websites and newsletters for pet businesses so I understand the industry, and the language your customers use.

    Along with having a first-class honours degree in psychology and a diploma in neurolinguistics, I am a frequent flyer at Tony Robbins seminars. I can write to an exceptionally high standard and understand the psychology of sales. I will learn all about you, your market, your customers and the tone of voice of your brand.

    I can create either a one-off blog or you can purchase a package deal which includes a content calendar. Depending on how many pet blogs you need, you can get this off your desk and receive a month or years worth of content. This will keep your website and social media fresh.

    If you want to work with me just send me an email or use the contact form on my website, we can organise a review meeting on Zoom to see if we would be a good fit to work together.

    1 thought on “Don’t Hire a freelance pet industry writer Until You Have Read This”

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    Pixie Greatorex is a Freelance Writer in the Pet industry specialising in search engine optimised blogs. In simple terms...Pixie writes content which helps your customers find your business on the internet.
    Pixie Greatorex pet industry blog content writer